Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Rainbow Kind of Day

A rainbow tootsie kind of day...

I love those lazy afternoons when you don't have to be anywhere but the cozy confines of your own home. On these days, Morgan loves when I take photos of her, especially in her favourite rainbow leg warmers that she rocked yesterday.

I'm just not sure if I can ever part with her tiny feet. Her tootsies provide me with more bliss than giant clouds of blue and pink cotton candy (and that's blissful). I could kiss those itty bitty toes for a century, and never grow tired of her giggles when I blow raspberries on her silky souls. What will I ever do when they grow big...? Buy her fabulous shoes of course.


  1. Where can you find ity bity leg warmers like that??? So cute- she's a little rainbow bright baby. Keep up the writing and picture posts hun- just LOVE checking out what you're up to!!!

  2. Thanks babe. They're called baby legs, aren't they sweet! She has heart ones too. They're wonderful and great for crawlers. xo
