Monday, February 27, 2012


When I was a little girl, my mom and I spent a lot of time baking together. I loved helping her mix in the ingredients and of course eating every little morsel that we made, but best of all...the batter. Still can't pull myself away from the the most delicious treat in the whole wide world. Oh batter, you and me go way back. What a love affair...

Morgan loves to bake, especially cupcakes, which she refers to as 'pupcakes'. I don't even bother correcting her, its just too cute. But if we baked pupcakes as much as she'd like, we'd both be rollie pollies in no time. So instead, we're on to muffins and other healthy nibbles and bits. But, you've caught us here baking peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, chewy and so delicious.

I should really consider changing this blog's name to, 'Little Miss Pupcake Sugarpants'.

Happy boy.
I might have given him a little taste of batter too!

I hope I've inspired you to get your Martha on and do some yummy baking. I like to substitute white flour for whole wheat flour and sugar for agave syrup. Still tastes delish and a bit more guilt-free. What are your favourite yummies to bake these days? Any healthy substituting you swear by? Would love to hear your baking must do's! Share away.

Happy day, beauties. xo

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